Bumpy Path, but a Path Nonetheless
I'm starting again after a lull in my determination to get healthy. I have stagnated for so long and want to see the other side of 200 pounds before the end of the year. Since SparkPeople closed down mid-month I have not been very religious about tracking my food. I know that I really overeat if I don't have at least a ballpark of where I need to be. Without the SP page I have defaulted to the FitBit tracker to go along with the tracker on my wrist. It is far from perfect, but it is rather helpful and only one app on my poor struggling phone.
For the past three days I have managed a walk of at least a mile, which is very good compared with the complete couch potato I have been over the past month. I am so close. I only ended up gaining four pounds instead of the projected 5. Small progress. With the tracking back in place I think I will be better off than just winging it, even if the amounts are off. I can see where and when my calories are being eaten and act accordingly. I have this tendency to forget when I have eaten and just how much that is. Time to restart weighing things again as well to just make sure that I am within my ranges and to get the feel for serving sizes. That training tends to fall apart after a few months. Time to retrain.
On the COVID-19 front, New Mexico is back to a flat indoor mask mandate, which is fine with me. It is especially important at work where we have a vulnerable population. Several of my friends and family are coming down sick with the virus, usually from a child too young to vaccinate. Hang around a petri dish of a kid and you are bound to eventually fall ill...though that's nothing new! Am I afraid of getting sick? Nope. Am I afraid for those who cannot get the vaccine or are at higher risk of infection? Hell yes! So I'll gladly wear the mask. I'm traveling soon and need to be careful not to snag any germs along my way. Air travel doesn't really bother me because of the air exchange, but the actual airports make me leery. However, I am unlikely to have issues.
I gave platelets yesterday and they were in desperate need of blood products of all types. With the hurricane shutting down collection and more injuries there needing blood, the national supply is really low. Plugplug: Go give if you can! I have a random bruise from it that just traveled from the poke to the bottom of my arm. No pain, just bright blue bruising. I'll take that to help others. Also managed to drive home to check my mail and snag coolers for my mom to thaw her freezer. But now I'm tired. It's a good thing that it is really slow at work. Which I should get back to shortly. Still have five minutes in my break.
I'm ravenously hungry. The lunch that was supposed to last me through till tomorrow will probably all be lunch today if my mouth has any say in it. But that is all part of flexing through the day. I will need to watch my snacks this afternoon to leave enough room for a heavy dinner. And now time to get back to work.
Any suggestions for staying on track when traveling?