Friday, December 31, 2021

What I Would Give For...

 ..Some self-control.

My Ideal of Dinner

The past two weeks have been full of eating every food in sight and lacking in the burning of those calories. Instead of the steadfast dedication to exercise and mindful eating I have been munching and getting most of my calories for the day after 7 pm. I haven't been exercising at my parents' house since the treadmill belt burst, leaving me with the option of walking outside--something that I can easily talk myself out of with the weather turning cold and windy.

I have a new treadmill at my house, so I don't have that excuse. (Though that only has me covered for 3-4 nights a week.)  It has far more bells and whistles than I need, but it is pretty cool. I can't take it back since it weighs 300 lbs and we barely got it to the house and set up. It is awesome though. If I get a new one for the parental units' house it will be about half the cost and, hopefully, a heck of a lot lighter since we have to get it up a flight of stairs and in and out of the truck. Choices choices.

So I am back up to 200 pounds and up from the low of 194 that I was at a few weeks ago. I will get back down there. I WILL get over this roadblock. And get back on the dang exercise wagon. 

Self-control. Something I will find again.


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