Surgery. One. Week. A week. 6 days to be exact. Does not compute.
The rundown:
Specialist: 1 month instead of 3 months
Surgeon: 2 weeks instead of 4 months
Surgery: 6 days instead of who knows how long
My jaw dropped when the surgeon not only didn't just pat me on the head and tell me to lose weight, but listened to my concerns (or my enthusiasm really) about the surgery. Well spent half hour.
So now I get to scramble to find my laptop table and get some things together over the weekend. Should be a breeze if previous laparoscopic surgeries are anything similar. Dad's home so he can take care of things and keep the pooch entertained--let's face it: Dad has the favorite lap...for all 55lbs of dog.
Work is being held over for me with the basics being taken care of (we do like to make sure we get money in the coffers) and I can do other things from the house. I will be coming back to a pile of work when I return, but that's okay if it means that I can reliably sleep without fear of pain and sickness.
I had no idea when I started this that I would progress so quickly through the medical red tape. I got lucky. People apparently are not wanting to get care right now and I am reaping the benefits. Since everyone is tested before surgery, I am comfortable in the waiting room and surgery. And here is hoping that I don't contract COVID-19 in the next week...six days.
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