And I'm FINE. The stresses that I have been shoving into a hole and standing on to keep them from escaping are slowly creeping out. I'd been really good about telling myself that everything is under control and all is well. It's FINE. I'm FINE.
I'm not so fine.
But I'm not going off the deep end either, which is a testament to some of my coping mechanisms. I am, however, cracking around the proverbial edges. Stress can do some interesting things to a body. I'm really hoping that my arthritis is not coming back and that it is just a fluke that my joints are acting up. I don't want to go back on yet more pills. Self-destructive behavior is in full force. Heck, I ate exactly what I wanted yesterday--and ended up in the land of gallbladder hell for it. I've been and will eat all I want up through the surgery, gallbladder be damned. Not healthy, but so far I haven't gained weight. I will if I keep this up, but so far it is a wash. The recovery process should drop that calorie intake down but good.
Three days. I have more prep that needs done before this. Should be a quick recovery, so that is good, but I want to be prepared if it does take me a little longer to get up and running given how my body is acting right now.
I bought Animal Crossing since I have almost beaten Zelda. And now my hands don't want to work to play! At least I can type for now since it doesn't use my wrists as much. At least the downtime will give me time to edit my book. There may be a bunch of posts in my future. I apologize. Or maybe I don't.
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