Thursday, July 22, 2021

Plans Change and Bodies are Dumb

The cruise is off.

I just can't endanger people who have to live around cruisers with my own germs. Others will take my place, but I just can't let that be me.

Of course, I have alternate plans: Mountains! Specifically a little cabin near a couple small towns so there should be cell coverage should work implode. Internet can sate the YouTube itch as well. Also will be near a historic town where there are lots of museums. If they're open in October that is. Here's hopin'! Also get to use the extra funds I saved from the ship to pay to take out a tree in my back yard. Ouch, is that expensive.

So I had this grand plan to lose five pounds by the time of the first vacation at one pound per leadup week. Nope. I think I may have actually gained weight! But I think that there's a reason for some of my stupid eating when I am feeling truly hungry in addition to munchy: Estrogen. The damn stuff can affect hunger levels and I have been really lousy about changing my patch on time. If I can get myself back into the schedules, life will be better. I hope. At least that is all I can figure out with the rapid cycle of "This is GREAT!" to "Damn. I ate another burrito in addition to the chicken alfredo earlier" (which was yesterday). Maybe that can lend some sense to the equation. Or not, as it happens to be. But it is a simple thing to check.

I may need to find my old swimsuit to see if that fits for at least the Indiana portion of my vacations. I have new bottoms, but I haven't tried them on and they look really frumpy. Like. Really frumpy. But the bra top with the rash guard should work well, even if the top is rather small at this point. I hate bra shopping and I hate swimwear shopping even more!

Dog has been sad. Ever since he dislocated a toe on his front paw he has been on restricted activity. And even The Cone of Shame. The toe is healed and the raw spot he licked into the joint is mostly healed. But he still insists on licking the bald spot since it itches having fur grow back. So he still gets The Cone at night just to keep him from boredly keeping himself entertained--and making things worse.

The Very Sad Dog getting scritchies

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