I might nix the internet from my vacations, like I do when I go camping. Yeah, yeah, I'm writing this on an internet connection while watching videos online, but somehow I wonder if I should hold internet necessities next time. Granted, my people would worry about me then. Of course, they worry about me when I try to become a burrito for a bear too. Yet I really like the ability to peruse YouTube while I type blog entries.
Heck, I even have phone service here!
Next time will be out to the west of the state instead of east/central unless something else pops up, also with internet, but no cell coverage, which does feel a little more freeing while allowing myself to use or not use digital devices. A couple times today I just put everything down and drank my tea outside, dog sniffing around me for scraps and pettins. The hikes where I silence the phone (but still take it because I'm not stupid and might need it). The cooking without eating out (though that isn't really unusual for me on my own, just when I am up with the parents). But that is for the last free week of my job, at least paid vacation that is. Probably not until October so that it is cool again. A long time.
On other news: food. I have been eating no sugar (yeah, fruit is fine) and thus have been having more fat than usual. I even found mint chocolate chip ice cream! It is indeed ice and cream mostly, and tasty too. But that and the beloved eggs and such is very different from my usual diet. I don't think this is sustainable for me, and that's okay. It was a...I hate to use this term...washout from me needing bread and cereal. I am in control of what I eat and some of the cravings have hushed. Oh, do I still want a fresh and hot piece of bread with jam? Hell yes! But I think I could have one piece. One. Not four. Or just huff the bread like I did when I couldn't have gluten all those years ago (excess stress made my body react to all sorts of things). And no more Fruity Pebbles. Nuff said.