Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Curse of February

Has it hit? Yup. But this not-so-little dude helps. 

The job is in a holding pattern, which is good since the last two days of work (Wednesday and Thursday) were called on account of "snow", which is to say that there was a layer of ice on the roads and people here have bald tires and no clue how to drive in winter conditions. So I stayed put until it was safe to go home that Thursday evening. Nothing had frozen in the 7F nights, so all was well. Luckily, the heaters work well!

Then again, there is the funk that February and April (for some reason not March) bring. It hit early this year instead of mid-month like in past years. For some reason 2021 didn't happen. Well...2020 and 2021 just sort of existed as there was no sense of time. This year it is here, but being rapidly attacked by coping mechanisms. I am hoping that it is smooth sailing through March when my work project is through, otherwise my life becomes much more difficult. As it is, I'm having trouble thinking coherently and anticipating needs. And then there's food. All the food. It's my curse right now.

One good thing is that the doc ordered blood work that was useful. Low vitamin D and really low thyroid. Time to get to fix those things and maybe some of the giant cravings for all things munchable will go down. Heck, some of the mood might go up as well! As it is, I am up 11 pounds from where I was in December and just have given up. I keep starting out the day well and healthy and then descend into a food monster in the evening. I need a lock on the fridge and pantry! So part of my really wants to get back down and then the other part just...is tired.

And there you have it. The good, the bad, and the munchy. Here's to overcoming brainz.

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