Saturday, February 5, 2022

Choices Nonetheless


I am Not Happy. Well, I am happy that I am no longer the owner of a gallbladder, but I have officially hit a large roadblock and have gained back 10 pounds since mid December. Not just because of surgery. I have let myself get into this predicament, because I have been eating everything in sight and haven't kept up on my exercise, using the simple reason of "I don't want to." Yes, the treadmill at the parental units' house is broken, and mine at home was for a time. I still can walk outside or do other exercise indoors. But I haven't and that's a choice I have made. Not a wise choice, but a choice nonetheless. 

So now I am at least back to tracking what I eat, even if that food is far over my calorie requirements. I also got on the treadmill today for the first time in a while. I found that I can use it whilst playing Animal Crossing on the TV, which is pretty awesome! So there are ducks, and turtles, and bunnies and such while I get a workout in without thinking about it. Too bad I can't get that done at my parents' place. I need to make a decision as to whether I can fix the treadmill or not and should just buy a new one to get myself back on track. But indecision is easier than decisions.

On the other hand, I have made the decision to keep a furry friend next to me that happens to be dreaming and barking in his sleep, just reminding me that I have done some things right. And that's encouraging.

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